Hi everyone, it’s been awhile since my last blog and I have had really positive feedback and many requests to keep on writing. So with that being said, I am going to continue to share my story with blogs, posts & photos.

So I am going to start by saying, you are the result of your thoughts so be very careful what you say to yourself. The negative self talk will get you nowhere and will only make you more sick. Think positive, talk positive and your situation will improve.

For those of us who are battling a Cancer diagnosis or any type of illness, remember that the diagnosis does not define you. We can either put one foot in front of the other and push forward  or we can remain in our pain.  I don’t know about you, but I am not going to lay here and give my diagnosis the power.

It’s a fact that people who are diagnosed with an illness or addiction lose their purpose and as a result, often give up on life.  If you have lost your purpose, I am telling you that it is critical that you find it. It may not look like it did before your diagnosis but that’s okay.  My purpose definitely changed because my entire life had been turned upside down.  When my life was nearly taken from me, I woke up in this horrible darkness I really had to fight just to find hope. I was honestly convinced that my circumstances were never going to get better. But….. I am alive and here to tell you, if you have the will to live and continue to fight you can overcome your circumstances and your diagnosis no matter how dark it is. There is always hope.

When your sun turns to darkness, that’s when you need to fight and be your strongest. There is a quote that says: you never know how strong you are, until being strong is your only choice.       I know for a fact that when you stand up and fight for yourself others are watching. Whether it’s your children,family, friends or strangers, everyone is taking notice. I also know for a fact that when I really love myself and I’m at my strongest it makes everyone around me stronger, it is a domino effect.  I don’t think we realize how many eyes are watching us and how crucial our actions are not only for ourselves but for are loved ones.

For those of you struggling, I struggle everyday as well. Some days I make progress and feel good, but other days, I take a few steps backwards.  The important part is that we make progress and keep fighting.  A wise man wrote, get busy living or get busy dying, It’s your choice and even on the bad days we still have a choice to make the best of it.         If you are someone who is not living, now is the perfect time to start!!!!!!

Please follow me on Instagram at iamthefitmom for daily motivation and pics and please share with others. I want to get me story out there and in the process help as many people as possible. In a society that is so full of judgement and unrealistic expectations, it’s critical that we come together to support, encourage and love one another.

Much Love, Jenn:)

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